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This is Ricky. He is 37 years old. He joined our company when he was 17 and decided to be a part of the HR staff. So far he has said that he loves it. He is in love with the position and hopes to one day look over HR as a boss of the section.

If you wish to see some more of the HR department Click right here!

Bobby is pretty bad at his job. He is very sleepy and has a big ego. The only reason I can not fire him is becasue when he does work he does it well. I have been trying to convince him to stop partying but It is not use he's just a party animal

To learn more about the manegement department Click right here!

Gary is always happy to be a janitor. He puts a smile on everybodys face and can make them laugh no matter the prblem. He is one of the best people that I know. I really hope he can stay with the company because he is the best person for this team

To learn more about being a janator Click Here!

Flent is pretty lazy. He doesn't move much and all he does is sit in the sun. When I ask him to come over and do work he yells at me saying if he works alot away from the sun he will die. Also he doesn't drink a lot of water. I want to fire him but he kinda scares me. I don't think he knows he's even an accountant.

To learn more about being a accountant Click Here!